
Monday, February 15, 2010

Just Don't Know

I love him. That much is clear. Or else I wouldnt put up this this bull crap.

But beyond that I just don't know anymore. I mean can I really put up with this?

It's not just that he drinks, it's the not listening to me, it's the not caring about my feelings, it's everything all built up and im ready to explode. I know that not good for our relationship. But at least it shows I care about it and have emotions. I can't tell how much he really cares. I wish I knew so I know I'm not wasting my time trying to make this work.

I want to be happy. I deserve to be happy. Does that mean anything at all to him? I just don't know.

We have these "talks" or fights. Whatever you want to call them and he doesnt listen. Admitted to me today he only listened to me a little bit last night. I mean gosh!!

This sucks.


  1. I hate to hear that. I really do hope you can figure out what needs to be done to fix your marriage.

  2. I'm sad to hear that. I really hope he pulls his head out of his ass and that things get better for you two.

